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KAS-Analyzer: a comprehensive framework for exploring KAS-seq data

Author: Ruitu Lyu, Chemistry department, the University of Chicago



Here we introduce KAS-Analyzer, a newly designed, comprehensive methodological framework aimed at simplifying the analysis and interpretation of KAS-seq data. In addition to standard analyses, KAS-Analyzer offers many novel features specifically tailored for KAS-seq data, including, but not limited to: calculation of termination length and index, identification of single-stranded transcribing (SST) enhancers, high-resolution mapping of R-loops, and time-course differential RNA polymerase activity analysis.

KAS-Analyzer is still on active development and the source code is hosted on GitHub.


Install by cloning KAS-Analyzer git repository on github:

You can install KAS-Analyzer on command line (linux/mac) by cloning git repository on github:

$ git clone
$ cd KAS-Analyzer
$ bash ./

# If anaconda or miniconda was not installed on your system. #OPTIONAL
$ KAS-Analyzer install -conda

# Make sure you have Mamba installed. If not, you can install it in your base Conda environment with the following command.
    $ conda install mamba -c conda-forge

    # Install 'KAS-Analyzer' environment using mamba. 
    $ mamba env create -f ./environment.yml

    # or
$ KAS-Analyzer install -KAS-Analyzer

# Activate conda 'KAS-Analyzer' environment.
$ conda activate KAS-Analyzer


KAS-Analyzer is a collection of command line tools for KAS-seq or strand specific KAS-seq(spKAS-seq) data analysis.

Version:   v2.0
About:     KAS-Analyzer is mainly developed by Ruitu Lyu, postdoc fellow in Prof. Chuan He's group at the University of Chicago.


KAS-Analyzer sub-command [options]

The KAS-Analyzer sub-commands include:


   download        Downlaod the index of reference genome for aligners (bowtie2, bwa).
   build           Build the index of reference genome for aligners (bowtie2, bwa).
   install         Install and check the 'KAS-Analyzer' conda environment; check the installation of tools.
   uninstall       Uninstall the 'KAS-Analyzer' conda environment.
   activate        Activate the 'KAS-Analyzer' conda environment.
   deactivate      Deactivate the 'KAS-Analyzer' conda environment.


   fastqc          Generate basic quality control metrics for KAS-seq data.
   readsnum        Calcuate the reads number of raw fastq files.
   statistics      Calculate the mapping statistics for KAS-seq data.
   FRiP            Calculate the fraction of reads in peaks.
   fragmentsize    Measure the fragment size of paired-end KAS-seq data.
   correlation     Calculate the correlation coefficient and pvalue, generate correlation plot for replicates of KAS-seq data.
   saturation      Perform saturation analysis for KAS-seq data.
   complexity      Calculate the complexity metric for (sp)KAS-seq data, including the PCR Bottlenecking Coefficient and Non-Redundant Fraction (NRF).
   genomicdist     Visualize the genomic distribution for KAS-seq peaks (table and plot).
   fingerprint     Plot fingerprint for KAS-seq data.


   trim            Trim adapter and low quality sequence, perform quality control for raw KAS-seq data.
   KAS-seq         Align KAS-seq data to the reference genome, deduplicate mapped reads, and generate several files with maped reads (bam, bed and bedGraph).
   spKAS-seq       Align strand specific KAS-seq (spKAS-seq) data. Note: we strongly recommend paired-end sequencing for spKAS-seq data to accurately measure the fragment size.
   peakscalling    Call broad or sharp peaks for KAS-seq data.
   normalize       Normalize KAS-seq data with bedGraph density files.
   ToBigWig        Convert normalized bedGraph files to bigWig files.
   targetgenes     Define target or associated genes (promoter, genebody, terminator or gene) of KAS-seq peaks, R-loops or enhancers loci."
   UCSC            Generate bedGraph files ready for submitting to UCSC genome browser.

Summary plots

   profile         Generate metagene profile for KAS-seq data (normalized bigWig files are needed).
   heatmap         Generate heatmap for KAS-seq data (normalized bigWig files are needed).

Differential KAS-seq analysis

   diff            Perform differential KAS-seq analysis on promoter, genebody, gene, bin or custom regions.        
   TC              Perform 'case-only' or 'case-control' differential time course(TC) analysis for (sp)KAS-seq data.
   PCA             Perform and plot PCA analysis for (sp)KAS-seq data.


   R-loop          Identify R-loops regions with spKAS-seq data.
   RNaseH          Identify R-loops regions sensitive to RNase H treatment.

Single-stranded enhancers identification

   SST_enhancer    Identify the single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST_enhancers).
   motif           Identify enriched TF binding motifs on single-stranded transcribing enhancers.

Termination length

   termilength     Calculate the transcription termination length of protein coding genes.

KAS-seq index

   index           Calculate the pausing or termination index.
   KASindex        Calculate KAS-seq index on promoter, genebody, genes or custom regions. 

General help

   --help          Print this help menu.
   --version       Print the version of KAS-Analyzer you are using.
   --contact       Feature requests, bugs, mailing lists, etc.


Configure sub-commands:


Downlaod the index of reference genome for aligners (bowtie2 or bwa).

usage: KAS-Analyzer download [ -l ] [ -h ] [ -a aligner ] [ -g assembly id ] [ -d directory to save index of aligner ]

Example: KAS-Analyzer download -a bowtie2 -g hg19 -d /Software/reference_genome/ 

-l list all of the available aligner index for reference genomes.

-a [aligner]: aligner name you want to use, e.g. bowtie, bowtie2 or bwa. REQUIRED.

-g [assembly id]: reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9,mm10,mm39; Fruitfly: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-d [directory to save index of aligner]: directory to save downloaded reference genome index. REQUIRED.

-h\-help: print this help and exit.


Build the index of reference genome for aligners (bowtie2 or bwa).

usage: KAS-Analyzer build [ -h ] [ -a aligner ] [ -g genome fasta ] [ -p index prefix ] [ -t threads ] [ -d index dir ]

Example: KAS-Analyzer build -a bowtie2 -g ./genome.fa -p hg19 -t 10 -d /Software/hg19_Bowtie2Index/ 

-a [aligner]: please specify aligner name you want to use, e.g. bowtie, bowtie2 or bwa. REQUIRED.

-g [genome fasta]: please input the path of reference genome fasta file. REQUIRED.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads. DEFAULT: 1.

-p [index prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of the aligners' (bowtie, bowtie2 or bwa) reference genome index. DEFAULT: basename of fasta file .

-d [index dir]: directory to save newly built reference genome index. REQUIRED.

-h\-help: print this help and exit.


Install and check the ‘KAS-Analyzer’ conda environment; check the installation of tools.

usage: KAS-Analyzer install [ -h\--help ] [ -conda ] [ -check ] [ -t tools ] [ -KAS-Analyzer]

Example: KAS-Analyzer install or KAS-Analyzer install -check

-conda: check the installation or install anaconda in your computer.

-check: list the installed and uninstalled tools.

-KAS-Analyzer: install and configure the KAS-Analyzer conda environment.

-t [tools]: check the installation of specific tool, if not, will install automaticially.

-h\-help: print this help and exit.
Note: this subcommand is used to install conda environment and specific tool that needed in KAS-Analyzer.


Uninstall ‘KAS-Analyzer’ conda environment.

usage: KAS-Analyzer uninstall 


Activate ‘KAS-Analyzer’ conda environment.

usage: conda activate KAS-Analyzer


Deactivate ‘KAS-Analyzer’ conda environment.

usage: conda deactivate

Fastqc sub-commands:


Generate basic quality control metrics for KAS-seq data.

usage: KAS-Analyzer fastqc [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -c contaminants ] [ -o output dir ] [ -k KAS-seq ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer fastqc -t 10 -k KAS-seq.rep1.fastq.gz,KAS-seq.rep2.fastq.gz,KAS-seq.rep3.fastq.gz &

-t [threads]: please input number of threads to be used for quality control check. DEFAULT: 1.

-c [contaminants]: please specify a file which contains the list of contaminants (format: name[tab]sequence) to screen overrepresented sequences against. DEFAULT: no.

-o [output dir]: please specify the output directory with output files.

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the KAS-seq data that you want to know the quality control, like sequencing quality, duplicates, contaminants (adapter sequence).

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer fastqc' shell script is applied to check quality control and identify a potential type of problem in your KAS-seq data in non-interactive mode. It mainly invoke FASTQC, please refer to the FASTQC official website for more information.


Calculate the reads number of raw sequencing files.

usage: KAS-Analyzer readsnum [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -f format ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer readsnum -o KAS-seq_reads_num -f fastq.gz &

-o [prefix]: please specify the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer readsnum' output files. REQUIRED.

-f [format]: please specify the format of raw reads data. e.g. fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fasta, fa or fa.gz. REQUIRED.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer readsnum' shell script is applied to calculate the reads number of raw sequencing files.


Generate the table containing (sp)KAS-seq mapping statistics.

usage: KAS-Analyzer statistics [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -l labels ] [ -s summary folder ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer statistics -o KAS-seq_statistics -l labels.txt -s /absolute path/Summary/ &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer statistics' output files. REQUIRED.

-l [labels]: please input the txt file containing labels of (sp)KAS-seq summary file generated by 'KAS-Analyzer (sp)KAS-seq'. DEFAULT: basename of summary file.
KAS-seq.rep4        ---labels.txt

-s [summary folder or summary.txt]: please input the absolute path of folder with summary files or the txt file containing the summary files. e.g. -s summary.txt or /absolute path of summary folder. REQUIRED.
WT.rep1.KAS-seq_mapping_summary.txt                     or  /absolute path/Summary/
KO.rep2.KAS-seq_mapping_summary.txt     ---summary.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer statistics' shell script is applied to generate the table containing (sp)KAS-seq mapping statistics.


Calculate and plot fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP) scores.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer FRiP [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -p peaks ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer FRiP -o KAS-seq_FRiP -p peaks_files.txt -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer FRiP' output files. REQUIRED.

-p [peaks]: please input the text file containing the peaks files. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO_rep2_peaks.bed      ---peaks_files.txt

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of KAS-seq or spKAS-seq data that show in fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP) plot. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq files.
KO.rep2                        ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing bed files (uniquely mapped reads used for 'KAS-Analyzer peakcalling'), which are used to calcuate fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP) score. The order and number of (sp)KAS-seq data should be the consistent with the labels file. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO_rep2.bed            ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer FRiP' shell script is applied to calculate and plot fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP) scores.


Measure the fragment size of paired-end KAS-seq data..

Usage: KAS-Analyzer fragmentsize [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer fragmentsize -o KAS-seq_fragmentsize -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-o [prefix]: please specify the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer fragmentsize' output files. REQUIRED.

-l [labels.txt]: please input the text file containing the labels of paired-end KAS-seq or spKAS-seq data that show in fragment size plot. DEFAULT: basename of (sp)KAS-seq bed files.
WT.rep4                        ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq.txt]: please input the text file containing bed files (uniquely mapped reads from 'KAS-Analyzer (sp)KAS-seq'), which are used to calcuate fragment size of DNA fragments. The order and number of (sp)KAS-seq bed files should be the consistent with the labels in labels.txt file. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_WT_PE.rep4.bed         ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer fragmentsize' shell script is applied to calculate and plot fragment size of (sp)KAS-seq data. Note: it only works for paired-end (sp)KAS-seq data.


Calculate the correlation coefficient and pvalue, generate correlation plot for replicates of KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer correlation [ -h/--help ] [ -m correlation method ] [ -t threads ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -r regions ] [ -f peaks file ] [ -p plot types ] [ -o prefix ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

On peaks:             
nohup KAS-Analyzer correlation -m pearson -t 10 -s hg19 -r peaks -f KAS-seq_peaks.bed -p heatmap -o KAS-seq -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &
On bins:
nohup KAS-Analyzer correlation -m pearson -t 10 -s hg19 -r bins -p heatmap -o KAS-seq -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-m [correlation method]: please specify the methods to calculate correlation coefficients. e.g. pearson, kendall or spearman. DEFAULT: pearson.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of your (sp)KAS-seq data. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-r [regions]: please specify the region types to calculate the (sp)KAS-seq density matrix. e.g. bin or peak. DEFAULT: bin.

-f [peaks file]: please input the merged peaks list file. Note: only valid when '-r peaks' is specified. REQUIRED.

-p [plot types]: please specify the plot types to generate correlation plot. DEFAULT: scatterplot.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer correlation' output files. REQUIRED.

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data that show in heatmap or scatterplot. REQUIRED.
KO_rep2                       ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing the indexed bam files of (sp)KAS-seq data that used to calculate correlation coefficient and generate correlation plots. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO.rep3.bam           ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-h: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer correlation' shell script is applied to calculate correlation coefficients and generate correlation plots between replicates or (sp)KAS-seq data of different conditions.


Perform saturation analysis for KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer saturation [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -c control ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer saturation -o KAS-seq_saturation -c KAS-seq_Input.bed -k KAS-seq.bed &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer saturation' output files. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq data.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of (sp)KAS-seq data. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-c [control]: please input the control data (input of (sp)KAS-seq data) containing uniquely mapped reads. e.g. -c KAS-seq_Input.bed. REQUIRED. Note: reads number of KAS-seq and Input should be similar.

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the KAS-seq data containing uniquely mapped reads. e.g. -k KAS-seq.bed. REQUIRED.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer saturation' shell script is applied to evaluate the saturation of (sp)KAS-seq data.


Calculate the complexity metric for (sp)KAS-seq data, including the PCR Bottlenecking Coefficient and Non-Redundant Fraction (NRF).

Usage: KAS-Analyzer complexity [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer complexity -o KAS-seq_complexity -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-o [KAS-seq_complexity]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer complexity' output files. REQUIRED.

-l [labels.txt]: please input the text file containing the labels of KAS-seq or spKAS-seq data complexity metric. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq files.
WT.rep4              ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq.txt]: please input the text file containing the bam files without removing redundant reads, which are used to calculate the complexity metric including PCR Bottlenecking Coefficients (PBC) and Non-Redundant Fraction (NRF). The order and number of KAS-seq data should be the consistent with the labels file. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq.rep4.bam     ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer complexity' shell script is applied to calculate the library complexity metric of (sp)KAS-seq data including, the PCR Bottlenecking Coefficient and Non-Redundant Fraction (NRF) for KAS-seq. Please refer to for more details about the library complexity metric.


Visualize the genomic distribution for KAS-seq peaks (table and plot).

Usage: KAS-Analyzer genomicdist [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -c ] [ -p peaks ] [ -s assembly id ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer genomicdist -o KAS-seq_genomic_distribution -p KAS-seq_peaks.bed -s hg19 &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer genomicdist' output files. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq peak file.

-c: please specify if the percentages of normal genomic feature distribution is generated, which is regard as a control. DEFAULT: off.

-p [peaks]: please input the KAS-seq peak or differential KAS-seq peak file. REQUIRED.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the reference genome index. REQUIRED.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer genomicdist' shell script is applied to calculate and plot the percentages of (sp)KAS-seq peaks distribution on genomic features (Promoter(TSS +/-1kb), Exon, Intron, Terminal(TES+3kb) and Intergenic regions).


Plot fingerprint for KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer fingerprint [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -o prefix ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer fingerprint -t 10 -s hg19 -o KAS-seq_fingerprint -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq_data.txt &

-t [threads]: please input the number of threads used for generating KAS-seq fingerprint plot. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the reference genome index. REQUIRED.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer fingerprint' output files. REQUIRED

-l [labels] please input the text file containing the labels of KAS-seq or spKAS-seq data that show in fingerprint plot. REQUIRED.
Input.rep2                       ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing the bam files of (sp)KAS-seq data. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_Input.rep2.bam           ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: the 'KAS-Analyzer fingerprint' shell script is applied to generate the fingerprint plot of (sp)KAS-seq data. For the more details about fingerprint plot, please refer to

Map sub-commands:


Trim adapter and low quality sequence, perform quality control for raw KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer trim [ -h ] [ -a adapter ] [ -t threads ] [ -f ] [ -q quality ] [ -l length ] [ -1 read1 ] [ -2 read2 ]

       nohup KAS-Analyzer trim -a illumina -t 10 -1 KAS-seq.fastq.gz &
       nohup KAS-Analyzer trim -a illumina -t 10 -1 KAS-seq.R1.fastq.gz -2 KAS-seq.R2.fastq.gz &

-a [adapter types]: adapter sequence to be trimmed. e.g. illumina, nextera or small_rna. Hint: most of the NGS data used Illumina adapter. If not specified explicitly. KAS-Analyzer trim will auto-detect.

-t [threads]: number of threads to be used for trimming. DEFAULT: 1.

-f: instruct 'KAS-Analyzer trim' to check quality control before trimming. DEFAULT: off.

-q [quality]: trim low-quality ends from reads in addition to adapter removal. DEFAULT Phred score(ASCII+33): 20.

-l [length]: discard reads that became shorter than length INT bp because of either quality or adapter trimming. DEFAULT: 30.

-1 [read1]: please input single-end KAS-seq raw fastq file or read 1 of paired-end KAS-seq raw fastq files. REQUIRED.

-2 [read2]: please input read2 of paired-end KAS-seq raw fastq files.

-h: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer trim' shell script mainly invoke the trim-galore, please refer to for more information.


Align KAS-seq data to the reference genome, deduplicate mapped reads, and generate several files with maped reads (bam, bed and bedGraph).

Usage: KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq [ -h ] [ -a aligner ] [ -t threads ] [ -i index path ] [ -u ] [ -e extend length ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -1 read1 ] [ -2 read2 ]

       nohup KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq -a bowtie2 -t 10 -i /absolute path/hg19_Bowtie2Index/hg19 -e 150 -o KAS-seq -s hg19 -1 KAS-seq.trim.fastq.gz &
       nohup KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq -a bowtie2 -t 10 -i /absolute path/hg19_Bowtie2Index/hg19 -o KAS-seq -s hg19 -1 KAS-seq.trim.R1.fastq.gz -2 KAS-seq.trim.R2.fastq.gz &
       Note: Bowtie2 Index example: /absolute path/Bowtie2Index/hg19; bwa Index example: /absolute path/BWAIndex/hg19.fa

-a [aligner]: please specify the aligner (bowtie2 or bwa) you want to use to map KAS-seq data. DEFAULT: bowtie2.

-t [threads]: please input the number of threads used for KAS-seq data mapping. DEFAULT: 1.

-i [index path]: please input the absolute path of reference genome index for aligner. REQUIRED.

-u: please specify to filter the unique mapped reads. DEFAULT: off.

-e [extendlengthHelp]: please input the extend length for single-end KAS-seq data. DEFAULT: 150.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq' output files. REQUIRED.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the reference genome index. REQUIRED.

-1 [read1]: please input trimmed single-end KAS-seq fastq file or read 1 of paired-end KAS-seq raw fastq files; Compressed .fastq.gz is accepted. REQUIRED.

-2 [read2]: please input trimmed read2 of paired-end KAS-seq raw fastq files. Compressed .fastq.gz is accepted.

-h: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq' shell script mainly invoke the specific aligner (bowtie, bowtie2 or bwa) for KAS-seq data mapping, please refer to their official websites for more information.


Align strand specific KAS-seq (spKAS-seq) data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer spKAS-seq [ -h ] [ -t threads ] [ -i index path ] [ -u ] [ -r ] [ -f fold change ] [ -b bin size ] [ -e extend length ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -1 read1 ] [ -2 read2 ]

Note: we strongly recommend paired-end sequencing for strand specific KAS-seq (spKAS-seq) data to accurately measure the fragments size.

       nohup KAS-Analyzer spKAS-seq -t 10 -i /absolute path/hg19_Bowtie2Index/hg19 -o spKAS-seq -r -s hg19 -1 spKAS-seq.trim.R1.fastq.gz &
       nohup KAS-Analyzer spKAS-seq -t 10 -i /absolute path/hg19_Bowtie2Index/hg19 -o spKAS-seq -r -s hg19 -1 spKAS-seq.trim.R1.fastq.gz -2 spKAS-seq.trim.R2.fastq.gz &
       Note: Bowtie2 Index example: /absolute path/Bowtie2Index/hg19.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for spKAS-seq data mapping. DEFAULT: 1.

-i [index path]: please input the absolute path of reference genome index for aligner. REQUIRED.

-u: please specify to filter the unique mapped reads. DEFAULT: off.

-r: please specify if identify R-loops regions with spKAS-seq data. DEFAULT: off.

-f [fold change cutoff]: please specify the fold change cutoff of spKAS-seq reads difference between plus and minus strands used for R-loops identification. DEFAULT: 2.

-b [bin size]: please specify the size of bins used to identify R-loops. DEFAULT: 500.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer spKAS-seq' output files. REQUIRED.

-s [assembly id]: please input the reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the reference genome index. REQUIRED.

-1 [read1]: please input trimmed single-end spKAS-seq fastq file or read1 of paired-end spKAS-seq fastq files; compressed .fastq.gz is accepted. REQUIRED.

-2 [read2]: please input trimmed read2 of paired-end spKAS-seq raw fastq files. compressed fastq.gz is accepted.

-h: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer spKAS-seq' shell script mainly invoke bowtie2 for spKAS-seq data mapping and R-loops identification, please refer to their official websites for more information.


Call broad or sharp peaks for KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer peakscalling [ -h ] [ -m peaks caller ] [ -t KAS-seq ] [ -c Control ] [ -b mode ] [ -o prefix ] [ -p pvalue or qvalue ] [ -g assembly id ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer peakscalling -t KAS-seq.rep1.bed,KAS-seq.rep2.bed -c Control_Input.rep1.bed,Control_Input.rep2.bed -o KAS-seq -g hg19 &

-m [peaks caller]: please input the peaks caller (macs2, epic2 or macs2_and_epic2) that you want to use for KAS-seq peaks calling. DEFAULT: macs2_and_epic2.

-t [KAS-seq]: please input the KAS-seq bed or bam files. e.g. KAS-seq.rep1.bed,KAS-seq.rep2.bed or KAS-seq.rep1.bam,KAS-seq.rep2.bam. REQUIRED.

-c [Control]: please input the KAS-seq control bed or bam files. e.g. KAS-seq_Input.rep1.bed,KAS-seq_Input.rep2.bed or KAS-seq_Input.rep1.bam,KAS-seq_Input.rep2.bam. OPTIONAL.

-b [mode]: specify macs2 to perferm KAS-seq peaks calling with 'broad', 'sharp' or 'both' mode. epic2 for broad peaks; macs2 for sharp peaks; combined epic2&macs2 for broad and sharp peaks . DEFAULT: both.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename), which will be used to generate the name of 'KAS-Analyzer peakscalling' output files. REQUIRED.

-p [FDR or qvalue]: please input the pvalue or qvalue for KAS-seq peaks calling with macs14 or macs2. DEFAULT: epic2 FDR: 0.05; macs2 qvalue: 0.01

-g [assembly id]: please specify the reference genome assembly id of KAS-seq data. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-h: print this help and exit.
Note: This shell script mainly invoke macs2 and epic2 for calling (sp)KAS-seq data peaks, please google their github pages for more information.


Normalize KAS-seq data with bedGraph density files.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer normalize [ -h/--help ] [-m methods ] [ -k KAS-seq ] [ -r ratios ] [ -b ] [ -s assembly id ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer normalize -m ratios -k KAS-seq_data.txt -r ratios.txt -b -s mm10 &

-m [methods]: please input the methods used for KAS-seq data normalization. e.g. ratios or RPKM. DEFAULT: ratios.

-k [KAS-seq_data.txt]: please input the text file containing the bedGraph files generated from 'KAS-Analyzer (sp)KAS-seq'. REQUIRED.
-m ratios:                                       -m FPKM:                               KAS-seq_WT.rep1.bam                               KAS-seq_WT.rep2.bam                               KAS-seq_KO.rep1.bam   ---KAS-seq_data.txt         KAS-seq_KO.rep1.bam      ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-r [ratios.txt]: please input the text file containing ratios that used to normalize KAS-seq data, which can be calculated based on mapped reads number or SpikeIn reads. The order and number of ratios should be the consistent with KAS-seq bedGraph files. REQUIRED.
1.23                 ---ratios.txt

-b: please specify if you want to convert the normalized bedGraph files into bigWig files. DEFAULT: off.

-s [assembly id]: please input the reference genome assembly id of bedGraph files. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the normalized KAS-seq bedGraph files. REQUIRED only if -b was specified.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer normalize' shell script is applied to normalize spKAS-seq or KAS-seq data.


Convert normalized bedGraph file to bigWig file.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer ToBigWig [ -h/--help ] [ -k KAS-seq ] [ -s assembly id ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer ToBigWig -k KAS-seq_data.txt -s hg19 &

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing the bedGraph files generated from 'KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq'. REQUIRED.
Example:    ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-s [assembly id]: please input the reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the normalized KAS-seq bedGraph files. REQUIRED.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer ToBigWig' shell script is applied to transfer (sp)KAS-seq bedGraph to bigWig files.


Define target or associated genes (promoter, genebody, terminator or gene) of KAS-seq peaks, R-loops or enhancers loci.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer targetgenes [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -f features ] [ -l length ] [ -p peaks ]

Gene features:
nohup KAS-Analyzer targetgenes -o KAS-seq_peaks_target_genes -s mm10 -f promoter -p KAS-seq_peaks.bed &
Associated genes of enhancers:
nohup KAS-Analyzer targetgenes -o KAS-seq_ss_enhancers_asso_genes -s mm10 -f enhancer -l 50000 -p KAS-seq_ss_enhancers.bed &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer targetgenes' output files. DEFAULT: basename of peaks file.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of KAS-seq peaks. -s [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-f [features]: please specify the gene feagures used to define target genes. e.g. promoter, genebody, terminator, gene or enhancer. REQUIRED.

-l [length]: please specify the length cutoff (length to TSS) to define enhancer's associated genes. DEFAULT: 50000.

-p [peaks]: please specify the KAS-seq peaks, R-loops or enhancer to define their target genes. REQUIRED.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer targetgenes' shell script is applied to define target or associated genes (promoter, genebody, terminator or gene) of KAS-seq peaks, R-loops or enhancers loci.


Generate bedGraph files ready for submitting to UCSC genome browser.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer UCSC [ -h/--help ] [ -k KAS-seq ] [ -l UCSC track ] [ -c track colors ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer UCSC -k KAS-seq_data.txt -n UCSC_track_names.txt &

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing the bedGraph files generated from 'KAS-Analyzer KAS-seq'. REQUIRED.
Example:    ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-l [UCSC track]: please input the text file containing the track names of KAS-seq or spKAS-seq data that you want to visualize on UCSC genome browser. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO.rep2           ---UCSC_track_names.txt

 -c [track colors]: please input the text file containing the R,G,B colors list for KAS-seq or spKAS-seq data that you want to visualize on UCSC genome browser. DEFAULT: black (0,0,0).
102,178,255               ---track_colors.txt

For more colors options, please refer to or

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer UCSC' shell script is used to generate files for uploading into UCSC genome browser.

Summary Plot sub-commands:


Generate metagene profile for KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer profile [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -e length ] [ -o prefix ] [ -r regions ] [ -p peaks file ] [ -f peaks files list ] [ -l labels ] [ -c colors ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Genomic features(genebody, TSS or TES):
nohup KAS-Analyzer profile -t 10 -s hg19 -o KAS-seq_genebody -r genebody -c red,blue,green,purple -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

Custom regions(peaks. e.g. enhancers.bed):
nohup KAS-Analyzer profile -t 10 -o KAS-seq_peaks -r peaks -p KAS-seq_peaks.bed -c red,blue,green,purple -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

KAS-seq signal on different regions (-f [peaks list] must be specified):
nohup KAS-Analyzer profile -t 10 -o KAS-seq_different_clusters -r peakslist -f peaks_cluster1.bed,peaks_cluster2.bed,peaks_cluster3.bed -c red,green,purple -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-t [threads]: please input the number of threads used for generating (sp)KAS-seq metagene profile plot. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assemblyid]: please specify the reference genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. Note: the assembly id need to be consistent with the reference genome index. REQUIRED only for 'genomic features' mode.

-o [KAS-seq_profile]: please input the prefix (basename), which will be used to generate the name of 'KAS-Analyzer metageneprofile' output files. REQUIRED.

-e [length]: please specify the distance upstream of the start site of the regions defined in the region file. If the regions are genebody, this would be the distance upstream of the transcription start site. DEFAULT: 3000.

-r [regions]: please specify the regions types for generating metagene profile plot. e.g. Genomic features: genebody, TSS or TES; Custom regions: peaks or peakslist. REQUIRED.

-p [peaks file]: please specify the peak file. REQUIRED only for 'custom regions: peaks' mode.

-f [peaks list]: please specify the peak files list. e.g. peaks_cluster1.bed,peaks_cluster2.bed,peaks_cluster3.bed. REQUIRED only for 'custom regions: peakslist' mode. Note: only one KAS-seq bigWig file is needed.

-c [colors]: please specify the color list for (sp)KAS-seq data in metagene profile plot. Note: the number of colors in the profile plot needs to be consistent with the number of KAS-seq bigWig files. REQUIRED. Note: the list of valid color names

-l [labels.txt]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data or peaks files (-f need to be specified) that used for generating metagene profile. DEFAULT: basename of (sp)KAS-seq bigWig files or peaks files.
WT_rep1          Cluster1
WT.rep2          Cluster2
KO.rep1          Cluster3
KO.rep2   or                        ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq.txt]: please input the text file containing normalized (sp)KAS-seq bigWig files, which can be generated with 'KAS-Analyzer normalize' and 'KAS-Analyzer bedGraphToBigWig' shell scripts. The order and number of (sp)KAS-seq bigWig files should be the consistent with the labels file when provided. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO_rep2.nor.bigWig          ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer profile' shell script is applied to generate metagene profile for (sp)KAS-seq data on genomic features( genebody, TSS or TES) or provided custom regions. 'KAS-Analyzer metageneprofile' shell script mainly invoke deeptools 'computeMatrix' and 'plotProfile', please refer to for more information.


Generate heatmap for (sp)KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer heatmap [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -e length ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -q ] [ -u samples using ] [ -m maximum value ] [ -o prefix ] [ -r regions ] [ -p peaks ] [ -l labels ] [ -c colors ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Genomic features(genebody, TSS or TES):
nohup KAS-Analyzer heatmap -t 10 -s hg19 -o KAS-seq_heatmap -r genebody -q -c Reds -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &
Custom regions(peaks. e.g. enhancers.bed):
nohup KAS-Analyzer heatmap -t 10 -o KAS-seq_heatmap -r peaks -q -p KAS-seq_peaks.bed -c Reds,Reds,Blues,Blues -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for generating (sp)KAS-seq heatmap plot. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assemblyid]: please specify the genome assembly id, e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED only for 'genomic features' mode.

-q: please specify to sort the regions. DEFAULT: off.

-u [sample using]: please specify the samples list to sort the regions. e.g. -u 1,2,3

-e [length]: please specify the distance upstream of the start site of the regions defined in the region file. If the regions are genebody, this would be the distance upstream of the transcription start site. DEFAULT: 3000.

-m [maximum value]: please specify the maximum value of the heatmap intensities. e.g. -m 15,20,60. Note: the number of values need to be consistent with KAS-seq samples.

-o [KAS-seq_heatmap]: please specify the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer heatmap' output files. REQUIRED.

-r [regions]: please specify the regions types to generate heatmap plot. e.g. Genomic features: genebody, TSS or TES; Custom regions: peaks. REQUIRED.

-p [peakslist]: please input the peak list file. REQUIRED only for 'custom regions' mode.

-c [colors]: please specify the colors for (sp)KAS-seq data in heatmap plot. Note: you can specify only one colors (e.g. Reds) or specify a color list (e.g. Reds,Greens,Blues,Purples), which needs to be consistent with the number of KAS-seq bigWig files. REQUIRED. Note: please refer to to get the list of valid colors names.

-l [labels.txt]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data to generate metagene profile. Default: basename of (sp)KAS-seq bigWig files.
KO.rep2                        ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq.txt]: please input the text file containing normalized (sp)KAS-seq bigWig files, which can be generated with 'KAS-Analyzer normalize' and 'KAS-Analyzer bedGraphToBigWig' shell scripts. The order and number of (sp)KAS-seq bigWig files should be the consistent with the labels file when specified. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO_rep2.nor.bigWig     ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer heatmap' shell script is applied to generate heatmap plots for (sp)KAS-seq data on genomic features( genebody, TSS or TES) or provided custom regions. 'KAS-Analyzer heatmap' shell script mainly invoke deeptools 'computeMatrix' and 'plotHeatmap', please refer to for more information.

Differential analysis sub-commands:


Perform differential KAS-seq analysis on promoter, genebody, gene, bin or custom regions.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer diff [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -r regions ] [ -p peaks ] [ -f fold change ] [ -c comparison file ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer diff -o KAS-seq_diff -t 10 -s mm10 -r gene -c comparision.txt -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq_data.txt &

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for calculating KAS index. DEFAULT: 1.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer diff' output files. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq txt file.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of KAS-seq data. -s [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce
11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-r [regions]: please specify the types of genomic regions used for differential KAS-seq analysis. e.g. promoter, genebody, gene, bin or peak. REQUIRED.

-p [peaks]: please specify the custom regions file used for differential KAS-seq analysis, if regions type is set as 'peak'. OPTIONAL.

-f [fold change]: please specify the fold change used for identify regions with differential KAS-seq density. DEFAULT: 2.

-c [comparison]: please input the text file containing the comparison information for differential KAS-seq analysis. REQUIRED.
WT.rep1 WT
WT.rep2 WT
KO.rep1 KO
KO.rep2 KO                  ---comparison.txt

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data that show in output files, which need to be consistent with comparision file. REQUIRED.
KO.rep2                     ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing the bigWig files of (sp)KAS-seq data that used for differential KAS-seq analysis. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO.rep2.bigWig      ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer diff' shell script is applied to perform differential KAS-seq analysis on promoter, genebody, gene, bin or custom regions.


Perform ‘case-only’ or ‘case-control’ differential time course(TC) analysis for (sp)KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer TC [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -n ratios ] [ -o prefix ] [ -g assembly id ] [ -r regions ] [ -s bin size ] [ -b ] [ -p peaks ] [ -d differential analysis ] [ -a annotation ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ] 

nohup KAS-Analyzer TC -o KAS-seq_timecourse -t 10 -g mm10 -r bin -d case_only -a Case_only.annotation.txt -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq_data.txt &

nohup KAS-Analyzer TC -o KAS-seq_timecourse -t 10 -g mm10 -r bin -d case_control -a Case_control.annotation.txt -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq_data.txt &

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for calculating KAS index. DEFAULT: 1.

-n [ratios.txt]: please input the text file containing ratios that used to normalize KAS-seq data undergo global significant changes, which can be calculated based on SpikeIn reads. The order and number of ratios should be the consistent with KAS-seq bam files. OPTIONAL.
1.23                 ---ratios.txt

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer KASindex' output files. REQUIRED.

-g [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of KAS-seq data. -g [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-r [regions]: please specify the types of genomic regions. e.g. promoter, genebody, bin, gene or peak. REQUIRED.

-s [bin size]: please specify the size of bins if -r is set to 'bin'. DEFAULT:1000.

-b: please specify if KAS-seq data have batch effects. DEFAULT: off.

-p [peaks]: please specify the custom regions file for perform differential time course KAS-seq analysis. OPTIONAL.

-d [diff analysis type]: please specify the types of differential time course KAS-seq analysis. e.g. case_only or case_control. REQUIRED.

-a [annotation]: please specify the annotation file. REQUIRED. Example:
1) Case-only:                                                or 2) Case-Control:
        Sample  Condition       Time    Batch                           Sample  Condition       Time    Batch          or       Batch
rep1.0min       rep1.0min       case    1       B_NULL          WT.rep1.0min    WT.rep1.0min    control 1       B_NULL          B1
rep2.0min       rep2.0min       case    1       B_NULL          WT.rep2.0min    WT.rep2.0min    control 1       B_NULL          B2
rep3.0min       rep3.0min       case    1       B_NULL          WT.rep3.0min    WT.rep3.0min    control 1       B_NULL          B3
rep1.15min      rep1.15min      case    2       B_NULL          WT.rep1.15min   WT.rep1.15min   control 2       B_NULL          B1
rep2.15min      rep2.15min      case    2       B_NULL          WT.rep2.15min   WT.rep2.15min   control 2       B_NULL          B2
rep3.15min      rep3.15min      case    2       B_NULL          WT.rep3.15min   WT.rep3.15min   control 2       B_NULL          B3
rep1.30min      rep1.30min      case    3       B_NULL          WT.rep1.30min   WT.rep1.30min   control 3       B_NULL          B1
rep2.30min      rep2.30min      case    3       B_NULL          WT.rep2.30min   WT.rep2.30min   control 3       B_NULL          B2
rep3.30min      rep3.30min      case    3       B_NULL          WT.rep3.30min   WT.rep3.30min   control 3       B_NULL          B3
rep1.60min      rep1.60min      case    4       B_NULL          KO.rep1.0min    KO.rep1.0min    case    1       B_NULL          B1
rep2.60min      rep2.60min      case    4       B_NULL          KO.rep2.0min    KO.rep2.0min    case    1       B_NULL          B2
rep3.60min      rep3.60min      case    4       B_NULL          KO.rep3.0min    KO.rep3.0min    case    1       B_NULL          B3
                                                                KO.rep1.15min   KO.rep1.15min   case    2       B_NULL          B1
                                                                KO.rep2.15min   KO.rep2.15min   case    2       B_NULL          B2
                                                                KO.rep3.15min   KO.rep3.15min   case    2       B_NULL          B3
                                                                KO.rep1.30min   KO.rep1.30min   case    3       B_NULL          B1
                                                                KO.rep2.30min   KO.rep2.30min   case    3       B_NULL          B2
                                                                KO.rep3.30min   KO.rep3.30min   case    3       B_NULL          B3          ---annotation.txt

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of KAS-seq data for differential time course (TC) analysis. REQUIRED. Example:
1) Case-only:                   or 2) Case-Control:
rep1.0min                          WT.rep1.0min
rep2.0min                          WT.rep2.0min
rep3.0min                          WT.rep3.0min
rep1.15min                         WT.rep1.15min
rep2.15min                         WT.rep2.15min
rep3.15min                         WT.rep3.15min
rep1.30min                         WT.rep1.30min
rep2.30min                         WT.rep2.30min
rep3.30min                         WT.rep3.30min
rep1.60min                         KO.rep1.0min
rep2.60min                         KO.rep2.0min
rep3.60min                         KO.rep3.0min
                                   KO.rep3.30min                                ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing indexed bam files of KAS-seq data for differential time course (TC) KAS-seq analysis. REQUIRED. Example:
1) Case-only:                   or 2) Case-Control:
treat.rep1.0min.bam                WT.treat.rep1.0min.bam
treat.rep2.0min.bam                WT.treat.rep2.0min.bam
treat.rep3.0min.bam                WT.treat.rep3.0min.bam
treat.rep1.15min.bam               WT.treat.rep1.15min.bam
treat.rep2.15min.bam               WT.treat.rep2.15min.bam
treat.rep3.15min.bam               WT.treat.rep3.15min.bam
treat.rep1.30min.bam               WT.treat.rep1.30min.bam
treat.rep2.30min.bam               WT.treat.rep2.30min.bam
treat.rep3.30min.bam               WT.treat.rep3.30min.bam
treat.rep1.60min.bam               KO.treat.rep1.0min.bam
treat.rep2.60min.bam               KO.treat.rep2.0min.bam
treat.rep3.60min.bam               KO.treat.rep3.0min.bam           
                                   KO.treat.rep3.30min.bam                      ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer TC' shell script is applied to performed differential analysis for 'case only' or 'case-control' time course(TC) KAS-seq on promoter, genebody, bin, genes or custom regions.


Perform and plot PCA analysis for (sp)KAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer PCA [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -t threads ] [ -r regions ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -b bin size ] [ -p peaks] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer PCA -o KAS-seq_PCA -r bin -s mm10 -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-o [KAS-seq_PCA]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer PCA' output files. REQUIRED.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for perform PCA analysis. DEFAULT: 1.

-r [regions]: please specify the regions used to perform PCA analysis. e.g. promoter, genebody, peak or bin. DEFAULT: bin.

-s [assemblyid]: please specify the reference genome assembly id of your (sp)KAS-seq data. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-r [regions]: please specify the regions used to perform PCA analysis. e.g. promoter, genebody, peak or bin. DEFAULT: bin.

-b [bin size]: please specify the bin size for bins mode: '-r bins'. DEFAULT: 10000.

-p [peaks file]: please input the custom regions file that used to perform PCA analysis. REQUIRED in 'peak' mode.

-l [labels.txt]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data that shown in the PCA plot. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq data.
24h                            ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq.txt]: please input the text file containing indexed (sp)KAS-seq bam files. The order and number of (sp)KAS-seq data should be the consistent with the labels file if specified. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq.24h.bam                --KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer PCA' shell script is applied to perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for (sp)KAS-seq data.

R-loops sub-commands:


Identify R-loops regions with spKAS-seq data.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer R-loop [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -p peaks ] [ -b bin size ] [ -f fold change ] [ -l labels ] [ -n Input ] [ -k spKAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer R-loop -o KAS-seq_R-loops -t 10 -s mm10 -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for R-loops identification. DEFAULT: 1.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer R-loop' output files. Default: basename of txt files containing spKAS-seq data.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of spKAS-seq data. -s [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11.

-p [peaks]: please specify the spKAS-seq peaks file. if not specified, spKAS-seq peaks will be called by using macs2 without spKAS-seq Input. OPTIONAL.

-b [bin size]: please specify the size of bins used to identify R-loops. DEFAULT: 500.

-f [fold change]: please specify the fold change cutoff of spKAS-seq reads difference between plus and minus strands used for R-loops identification. DEFAULT: 2.

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels spKAS-seq data that used to identify R-loops. Default: basename of KAS-seq files.
rep3                        ---labels.txt

-n [Input]: please input the text file containing Input bed files for R-loops identification. OPTIONAL.
Input_rep3.bed              ---Input.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing spKAS-seq bed files for R-loops identification. The order and number of spKAS-seq data should be the consistent with the labels file in -l [labels]. REQUIRED.
spKAS-seq_rep3.bed          ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer R-loops' shell script is applied to identify R-loops from multiples pKAS-seq data.


Identify R-loops regions sensitive to RNase H treatment.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer RNaseH [ -h/--help ] [ -p threads ] [ -o prefix ] [ -r WT_R-loop.bed ] [ -f fold change ] [ -c WT_R-loop_density ] [ -t RNaseH_R-loop_density ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer RNaseH -p 10 -o RNaseH_sensitive_R-loops -r WT_R-loop.bed -f 2 -c WT_R-loop_density.txt -t RNaseH_R-loop_density.txt &

-p [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for R-loops identification. DEFAULT: 1.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer RNaseH' output files. REQUIRED.

-r [WT_R-loops.bed]: please specify the R-loop list defined using spKAS-seq data in cells without RNase H treatment. REQUIRED.

-f [fold change]: please specify the fold change threshold of R-loop density difference between WT and RNase H samples used for the identification of R-loops sensitive to RNase H treatment. DEFAULT: 2.

-c [WT_R-loop_density.txt]: please input the text file containing WT R-loop density files. REQUIRED.
WT_R-loop.rep2.bigWig           ---WT_R-loop_density.txt

-t [RNaseH_R-loop_density.txt]: please input the text file containing RNase H R-loop density files. REQUIRED.
RNaseH_R-loop.rep2.bigWig       ---RNaseH_R-loop_density.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer RNaseH' shell script is applied to identify R-loops sensitive to RNase H treatment.

Single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST enhancers) identification sub-commands:


Identify the single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST enhancers).

Usage: KAS-Analyzer SST_enhancer [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -t threads ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -e enhancer ] [ -p peaks ] [ -k KAS-seq ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer SST_enhancer -o KAS-seq_SST_enhancers -s mm10 -e H3K27ac_enhancers.bed -p KAS-seq_peaks.bed -k KAS-seq.rep1.bam,KAS-seq.rep2.bam &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer SST_enhancer' output files. DEFAULT: basename of enhancer file.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST enhancers) identification. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-e [enhancer]: please specify the enhancer file used for single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST enhancers) identification. Enhancer file can be H3K27ac, P300 or Med1 ChIP-seq peaks file. REQUIRED.

-p [peaks]: please specify the (sp)KAS-seq peaks file. REQUIRED.

-k [KAS-seq]: please specify the indexed bam file of KAS-seq data used for single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST enhancers) identification. e.g. KAS-seq.rep1.bam,KAS-seq.rep2.bam. REQUIRED.

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer ss_enhancer' shell script is applied to identify single-stranded transcribing enhancers (SST enhancers).


Identify enriched TF binding motifs on ss_enhancers.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer motif [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -e enhancer position file ] [ -c control position file ] 

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer motif -o KAS-seq_enhancers_motifs -t 10 -s mm10 -e enhancers.bed -c control_background_peaks.bed &

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for enriched TF motifs on transcribing enhancers. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of enhancers regulatory elements. -s [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer motif' output files. Default: basename of enhancers file.

-e [enhaner]: please specify the enhancers position file in bed format. REQUIRED.

-c [control]: please specify the control position file in bed format, which was used as background for enriched TF motifs idenfication on enhancers. OPTIONAL

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer motif' shell script is applied to identify enriched TF motifs on transcribing enhancers identified by KAS-seq data. For more detials, please refer to

Termination length sub-commands:


Calculate the transcription termination length of protein coding genes.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer termilength [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -t threads ] [ -b bin size ] [ -g assembly id ] [ -p peaks ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer termilength -o KAS-seq_termination_length -t 10 -g mm10 -p peaks.txt -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer termilength' output files. REQUIET.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads. DEFAULT: 1.

-b [bin size]: please specify the size of sliding bins used for transcription termination length calculation. DEFAULT:100.

-p [peaks]: please input the text file containing the peaks file of (sp)KAS-seq data. REQUIET.
WT.peaks.rep2.bed              ---peaks.txt

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of (sp)KAS-seq data. -g [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data that show in 'KAS-Analyzer termination_length' output files. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq file.
WT.rep2                        ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing indexed (sp)KAS-seq bam files used for transcription termination length calculation. OPTIONAL.
KAS-seq.rep2.bam               ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer termilength' shell script is applied to calculate the transcription termination length of protein coding genes.

KAS-seq index sub-commands:


Calculate the pausing or termination index.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer index [ -h/--help ] [ -o prefix ] [ -t threads ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -i index types ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ]

Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer index -o KAS-seq_pausing_index -t 10 -s hg19 -i pausing -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq.txt &

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer index' output files. REQUIRED.

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for the pausing or termination index calculation. DEFAULT: 1.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of KAS-seq data. -s [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-i [index]: please specify the index type you want to calculate. e.g. pausing or termination. REQUIRED.

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq that show in 'KAS-Analyzer index' output files. DEFAULT: basename of KAS-seq files.
WT.rep2                        ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing indexed (sp)KAS-seq bam files used for pausing or termination index calculation. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_WT_rep2.bam            ---KAS-seq.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer index' shell script is applied to calculate the pausing or termination index.


Calculate KAS-seq index on promoter, genebody, genes or custom regions.

Usage: KAS-Analyzer KASindex [ -h/--help ] [ -t threads ] [ -o prefix ] [ -s assembly id ] [ -r regions ] [ -p peaks ] [ -l labels ] [ -k KAS-seq ] 
Example: nohup KAS-Analyzer KASindex -o KAS-seq_index -t 10 -s mm10 -r TSS -l labels.txt -k KAS-seq_data.txt &

-t [threads]: please specify the number of threads used for calculating KAS expression. DEFAULT: 1.

-o [prefix]: please input the prefix (basename) of 'KAS-Analyzer KASexpre' output files. Default: basename of KAS-seq data.

-s [assembly id]: please specify the genome assembly id of KAS-seq data. -s [assembly id]. e.g. Human: hg18, hg19, hg38; Mouse: mm9, mm10, mm39; C.elegans: ce10, ce11; D.melanogaster: dm3, dm6; Rat: rn6, rn7; Zebra fish: danRer10, danRer11. REQUIRED.

-r [regions]: please specify the types of genomic regions. e.g. promoter, genebody, gene or peak. REQUIRED.

-p [peaks]: please specify the custom regions file used for KAS index calculation. OPTIONAL.

-l [labels]: please input the text file containing the labels of (sp)KAS-seq data that show in output files. REQUIRED.
KO.rep2                       ---labels.txt

-k [KAS-seq]: please input the text file containing the indexed bam files of (sp)KAS-seq data that used to calculate KAS expression. REQUIRED.
KAS-seq_KO.rep2.bam           ---KAS-seq_data.txt

-h/--help: print this help and exit.
Note: The 'KAS-Analyzer KASexpre' shell script is applied to calculate KAS-seq index on promoter, genebody, genes or custom regions.

General help sub-commands:


Print this help menu.


Print the version of KAS-Analyzer you are using.


Feature requests, bugs, mailing lists, etc.